Saturday, July 27, 2024

What is Sharedrop and How it works with your PC?

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Comprehensive Guide for Sharedrop Users

In recent years, the world has witnessed a significant shift towards decentralized technologies, with file sharing being one of the forefront areas of innovation. Sharedrop is one such decentralized file-sharing solution that has gained traction among users seeking a secure and efficient way to transfer files between devices. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into what Sharedrop is, how it works, and how PC users can leverage its capabilities.

What is Sharedrop IO?

Sharedrop is a peer-to-peer file-sharing application that enables users to transfer files directly between devices connected to the same local network, without the need for centralized servers or internet access. Developed using modern web technologies such as WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) and WebSocket, Sharedrop offers a seamless and secure file-sharing experience.

How Sharedrop Works?

Sharedrop utilizes WebRTC, a browser-based technology that enables real-time communication between web browsers, to establish direct connections between devices. When a user visits the Sharedrop website on their PC, the application generates a unique identifier (UUID) for their device.

When another user accesses the Sharedrop website from their PC within the same local network, their device also receives a UUID. Sharedrop then uses these UUIDs to facilitate peer discovery and establish a direct connection between the two devices.

Once the connection is established, users can drag and drop files directly into their browser window to initiate file transfers. Sharedrop encrypts the transferred files using end-to-end encryption, ensuring that only the intended recipient can access the files.

How to Use Sharedrop with PC

Step 1: Access the Sharedrop Website

To use Sharedrop with your PC, open a web browser and navigate to the Sharedrop website (

Step 2: Generate a Unique Identifier

Upon accessing the Sharedrop website, your PC will be assigned a unique identifier (UUID). This identifier allows other devices within the same local network to establish a connection with your PC.

Step 3: Share Files

To share files from your PC, simply drag and drop the desired files into the Sharedrop interface within your web browser. You can also click on the “Browse files” button to select files from your PC.

Step 4: Receive Files

If another user within the same local network wants to share files with your PC, they can follow the same steps to access the Sharedrop website and initiate a file transfer. Your PC will receive a notification prompting you to accept or decline the incoming file transfer.

Step 5: Accept File Transfer

Once you receive a file transfer request, click on the notification to accept the incoming files. Sharedrop will securely transfer the files directly to your PC using peer-to-peer communication.

Advantages of Using Sharedrop Platform

  1. Decentralized: Sharedrop operates without the need for centralized servers, providing users with greater privacy and security.
  2. Fast and Efficient: By leveraging peer-to-peer communication, Sharedrop enables fast and direct file transfers between devices within the same local network.
  3. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Sharedrop is compatible with a wide range of devices and operating systems, making it easy to share files between PCs, smartphones, and tablets.
  4. End-to-End Encryption: Sharedrop encrypts file transfers using end-to-end encryption, ensuring that files remain secure during transmission.
  5. There is no need to install software in your device (PC).

Sharedrop Alternatives

Looking for alternative of ShareDrop, here is the long list of Sharedrop alternative platforms. These alternative platforms provide users with a variety of options for decentralized file-sharing, catering to different preferences and requirements. Whether you’re looking for simplicity, self-hosted solutions, or advanced encryption features, there’s a decentralized file-sharing platform available to suit your needs.

  1. Snapdrop: Snapdrop is an open-source web-based alternative to Sharedrop that allows users to transfer files directly between devices connected to the same local network. It offers a simple and intuitive interface similar to Sharedrop.
  2. Droppy: Droppy is a self-hosted file-sharing platform that enables users to create their file-sharing servers. It provides features like drag-and-drop file uploading, link sharing, and user authentication.
  3. Send Anywhere: Send Anywhere is a cross-platform file-sharing service that allows users to send files securely between devices, regardless of their location. It supports file transfers across different operating systems and devices.
  4. Resilio Sync: Formerly known as BitTorrent Sync, Resilio Sync is a file synchronization tool that enables peer-to-peer file sharing and synchronization between devices. It offers features like selective syncing, folder sharing, and advanced encryption.
  5. Syncthing: Syncthing is an open-source decentralized file synchronization tool that allows users to sync files between devices securely. It offers end-to-end encryption and operates without relying on centralized servers.
  6. FilePizza: FilePizza is a web-based file-sharing platform that facilitates peer-to-peer file transfers directly between users’ web browsers. It offers a simple interface for sharing files without the need for registration or installation.
  7. Tresorit Send: Tresorit Send is a file-sharing service provided by Tresorit, a cloud storage provider focused on security and privacy. It allows users to send large files securely with end-to-end encryption and password protection.
  8. OnionShare: OnionShare is a free and open-source tool that enables users to share files securely and anonymously over the Tor network. It allows users to host their file-sharing servers without relying on centralized infrastructure.
  9. Sia: Sia is a decentralized cloud storage platform that utilizes blockchain technology to store data securely across a network of nodes. It offers an alternative approach to traditional cloud storage providers by providing users with greater control over their data.
  10. Storj: Storj is a decentralized cloud storage platform that enables users to store and share data securely across a network of distributed nodes. It offers features like encryption, redundancy, and pay-as-you-go pricing.


Sharedrop offers PC users a convenient and secure solution for peer-to-peer file sharing within local networks. By leveraging modern web technologies such as WebRTC, Sharedrop enables fast and efficient file transfers without the need for centralized servers. Whether you’re sharing documents, photos, or videos, Sharedrop provides a seamless file-sharing experience for users seeking privacy and security. So why wait? Give Sharedrop a try and experience the benefits of decentralized file sharing on your PC today!

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Q: What is Sharedrop?

    A: Sharedrop is a peer-to-peer file-sharing application that enables users to transfer files directly between devices connected to the same local network, without the need for centralized servers or internet access.

  2. Q: How does Sharedrop work?

    A: Sharedrop utilizes WebRTC and WebSocket technologies to establish direct connections between devices within the same local network, facilitating seamless file transfers.

  3. Q: Is Sharedrop secure?

    A: Yes, Sharedrop encrypts file transfers using end-to-end encryption, ensuring that files remain secure during transmission between devices.

  4. Q: Can I use Sharedrop on my PC?

    A: Absolutely! Sharedrop is accessible through web browsers on PCs, allowing users to easily share files between their computers and other devices.

  5. Q: Does Sharedrop require an internet connection?

    A: No, Sharedrop operates within local networks and does not require an internet connection for file transfers between devices.

  6. Q: What types of files can be shared with Sharedrop?

    A: Sharedrop supports the sharing of various file types, including documents, photos, videos, and more, enabling users to transfer a wide range of content.

  7. Q: Can I use Sharedrop to share files between different operating systems?

    A: Yes, Sharedrop is compatible with different operating systems and devices, allowing users to share files between PCs, smartphones, and tablets seamlessly.

  8. Q: How many devices can I connect to with Sharedrop?

    A: Sharedrop allows users to connect multiple devices within the same local network, enabling file transfers between all connected devices simultaneously.

  9. Q: Is Sharedrop free to use?

    A: Yes, Sharedrop is a free-to-use application that provides users with decentralized file-sharing capabilities without any subscription fees or hidden costs.

  10. Q: Are there any limitations to file size when using Sharedrop?

    A: Sharedrop does not impose specific limitations on file size, allowing users to transfer files of varying sizes based on their network capabilities and device specifications.

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